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Always the Bridesmaid Page 5
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Page 5
“Damnit, Jenna! Whatcha’ tryin’ to do – kill me?” His voice was still very slurred and the smell wafting off him had her stomach heaving.
“Good Lord, you smell like you fell into a vat at a cheap distillery. I’m going to have to burn my bedding now.”
His bloodshot hazel eyes focused on her before he shoved her aside with a mumbled, “It’s all your fault.” before stumbling toward the toilet.
“I don’t even want to know why the hell you’re here, but when I come back, I want you gone.” She shut the door on the sounds of him getting sick once more.
Down in the kitchen, she was just grabbing her keys off the counter when Kathleen and her sister Donna appeared in the doorway.
“Well, look what the cat dragged in.” Donna’s voice was bittersweet.
Jenna was tempted to ignore her, but she had a feeling Donna was the reason why she’d found the drunk in her bedroom.
Turning, she glared at her sister. “Is it you I have to thank for my room smelling like someone on a three-day binge?”
“Well, if you would’ve come home last night like expected, you’d have had Dawson back in your bed. Imagine what Daddy’s reaction would’ve been if he went to wake you and found Dawson sharing your bedroom. He would’ve demanded Dawson marry you, but instead you decided to stay out all night acting like a slut with a man you barely know.” Donna’s eyes welled up with crocodile tears.
Propping her hands on her hips, Jenna stared in disbelief as her sister cried on cue. “I can’t believe you! Thank God I’m not like you. Besides, I’m sure as hell not sixteen like you were when Dad found Kevin Samsonetti trying to sneak out your bedroom window! Whether or not I stay out with a man I happen to like is none of Daddy’s or your business. Besides, what on Earth makes you think I’m going to go back to drunken bastard like Dawson?”
Her sister had the audacity to blush. “You’ll never get another man as well off as Dawson. He’s just made partner at his work. If you’d just go on a diet, he’d...”
Slamming her fist down on the counter, Jenna exploded. “I’m not going into this again! Dawson didn’t dump me because I wouldn’t go on a diet.”
“Damn, Jenna, stop your yelling! They can hear you clear over in Des Moines.” Dawson moved cautiously into the kitchen looking rather green around the gills before sinking into one of the chairs. “I dumped her because she couldn’t sexually satisfy me. Who wants to fuck a chick that just lies there?”
What little sympathy she might have had for him disappeared as she turned to face him. Her fists clenchedH. “You’re a total asshole. What the hell did I ever see in your pathetic ass? You lie even worse than you make love. You can’t get your limp dick up so you blame the woman.” The sharp intake of breaths had her turning to see her sister and sister-in-law staring at her with pity in their eyes. “Let me get this through everyone’s head here. I’m never going to get back together with Dawson. I’ve found a man who I do satisfy… and who satisfies me, which is even better.” She paused to smile at them brightly. “You all can go to Hell.”
With her piece said, she stormed out of the kitchen. She had just reached her SUV when her father and mother pulled into the driveway in their Cadillac. Ah Hell, I’m not up to dealing with this. Opening the door, she slid across the seat and slammed the door. She was pulling out of the drive before her dad had the car shut off.
* * * * *
Richard Smith, dressed in his Sunday best, paused on his way around the car to help his wife out of the car when he saw Jenny getting into her SUV and slamming the door. While she wasn’t dressed in the same clothes she’d worn yesterday, it only told him, she’d come home and changed – and perhaps had butted heads with her sister again. Donna seemed to be the staunchest supporter of Jenny returning to Dawson, aside from his wife. When she put the SUV in gear, then backed out of the drive without so much as a wave, his eyes narrowed. What the hell had pissed his oldest daughter off?
“Where are you going, Jenna?” His voice was speculative. He knew she’d stayed out the night before with Noah Absolom. After talking with the younger man yesterday, he honestly liked Noah. He’d be good for Jenna. Although Noah admitted to being a bit of wanderer, he’d been quick to reassure Richard that he’d been employed by the same company since graduate school. Noah had also mentioned he still had roots with his family in the upper Michigan.
“Richard, where’s she going?” His wife was still upset Jenna hadn’t returned last night.
“I would assume to see the man who kept her out all night.”
She cast a worried glance at him. “Are you sure this is a good idea? What do we know about this man? If Jenna would lose some weight perhaps Dawson would…”
Richard pinned his wife to the side of the car. “Don’t even say it, Laurie. Dawson is her past and if the drunken louse we saw last night is an example, I’m glad. Jenna’s a big girl. She’s almost thirty. I think she should know what she wants. If it’s Noah Absolom, then my hat is off to her.”
Horror filled Laurie’s face.
“Oh dear, then I probably shouldn’t have let Dawson stay in her bedroom last night.”
* * * * *
Noah was just finished drying his hair when he spotted the note that Jenna left on the bedside table. Standing naked in the middle of his room, he picked it up. Admiring the boxy scrawl of her writing, he realized just like the woman herself, it had plenty of personality. He scanned it quickly, relieved to see that she hadn’t left without thinking about how he’d feel waking up alone. She’d scrawled a quick note about going home, changing and bringing back lunch or supper for when he woke up. She’d even included her cell phone number.
He was just picking up the hotel phone to call her when there was a brisk knock on the door. Setting the phone back on the cradle, he walked to the door. A quick glance through the peephole gave him a fish eye’s view of Jenna holding a black bag. Without a thought about his lack of clothing, he jerked the door open. Her eyes widened and her lips parted. A slow smile crossed his face as she gaped at him. Then desire replaced her surprised look causing his cock to harden. Glancing down at his obvious erection, she licked her lips.
“Did I satisfy you last night?”
Her question came from out of left field, and left him feeling bewildered despite the hardening of his cock.
“Excuse me? Wasn’t the four times I came enough proof of how well you satisfied me?” Quickly he slammed and locked the door after she entered.
She shifted from foot to foot before answering him. “I’m sorry, Noah – it’s not you. That ass Dawson was at my parent’s place…ah hell, never mind, I’ve got better things to do with my mouth.” She launched herself at him. Catching her against his frame, he savored her softness while her mouth instinctively searched his out. Spearing a hand into her ponytail, he held her still while their tongues battled for dominance inside his mouth.
When they finally separated, he was thick, steel-hard with desire and his erection was snuggled firmly against her soft belly. “Oh God, Jenna, I need to be inside of you.” The need in his voice was quite evident even to his own ears. He couldn’t believe the effect she was having on him. If anything, he should be sated from the night before. For Christ’s sakes, in a few short years I’m gonna be forty. His body shouldn’t be reacting this way. It had to be her. She put him under a spell – one that he willingly submitted too.
“Noah?” Her voice, so soft with feminine need, had his balls tightening.
“Yeah?” Looking into her dark eyes, he knew he’d offer to lasso the moon for her if she asked him to.
“You remember telling me last night that you wanted to help fulfill all my fantasies?”
A fond memory of his promise to explore any and every fantasy she had between their third and final loving of the night had his chest tightening. Dawson should be whipped then shot for the way he’d treated this precious treasure in and out of bed.
“Of course, sweetheart!” He tipped her head
up before watching the intriguing blush cross her features. He would’ve figured after the night of sensational loving they’d shared, she would’ve been over her shyness. Her blushing gave him a feeling of indulgent fondness for her. He was surprised how quickly she’d wormed her way under his skin. “What naughty little fantasy is running through that beautiful head of yours?”
She blushed even brighter in the brightness of the early afternoon sun. “I…well…I…was wondering…if…we…could...” she dropped her gaze from his.
He lifted her face. Cupping her cheek with a hand, he gazed into her eyes. “Why are you stuttering sweetheart? I told you last night nothing you could possibly want would shock me…that there are no limits to the things that we will share when we make love.”
She licked her lips and glanced over at the bed, which was dappled in the sunlight. “I stopped on my way back here at an adult store. I made a couple of purchases and…”
If he hadn’t witnessed it himself, he would’ve said the flush he’d seen earlier couldn’t have gotten any redder, but it did. “What did you buy, Jenna?”
“Ah, maybe…I could just show you?” He thought it was cute when even the tips of her ears flushed. That’s when he noticed the small black plastic sack in her hand. She held it out to him with trembling hands. He took from her slowly while keeping eye contact with her. Now not only was his cock rock hard, he was curious as hell to see what she’d bought that would have her reacting this way. Why had his confident lover from last night gone away?
Continuing to hold her gaze he opened the sack. Feeling around inside, he felt the familiar shape of a still-in-the-package dildo or vibrator, and a small box. Pulling them both free, he let the empty bag hit the floor unheeded. When her eyes darted down to the two objects, he held in his hands, he finally glanced at the items. He’d been correct in his thinking the long plastic object was a dildo. It was similar in size and shape to his own erect cock, but lacking, of course, the piercing and the silver ring. He wondered if she was hoping for a bit of anal sex while having this fake cock shoved up her tight pussy. His dick leaped at the thought until he caught a glance at the item he still held. His mouth dried when he realized that she’d bought him a cock ring. His chest tightened – more than anything he wanted to toss her across the bed and have his wicked way with her.
“And what do you exactly propose to do with these, Jenna sweetheart?”
“Ahh…” she stumbled over her words.
“Shh, there’s no need to get worked up over these wonderful toys, Jenna, but I need you to be very clear here about what you want. There are several variations of what I can do with these.”
She squeaked. “There are?”
He nodded. “At first I thought perhaps you wanted double the fun by having me slide into your ass while fucking you with this dildo which remarkably resembles my cock but…” he brushed a kiss across her lips. “…judging by your expression, I don’t think that’s what you had in mind. So tell me, sweetheart. I’m not a mind-reader.”
“Just spit it out, Jenna.”
She crossed her arms over her chest. “Fine, I bought the cock ring, so you could last long enough to let me actually suck your cock.”
His chest fell heavily. The blatant reminder of every time she’d tried the previous evening, she had ended up with her either bent over something or riding him while he pounded away until they both were screaming, had the blood singing in his veins. “And the dildo?” His voice was hoarse.
She blinked up at him. “I’ve been told I don’t taste very good. I was kinda hoping you’d fuck me with it, while I give you a blow job.”
Staring down at her, Noah clenched his fists to keep from jerking her into his arms. The only thing stopping me is this confounded idea of hers that I don’t want to taste her as badly as she wants to taste me. Was her last lover an utter moron?
“You’ve got to quit comparing me to him, sweetheart. If you want to use the cock ring on me, fine. Perhaps it will help,” he rubbed his thumb across her lip. “But I’m going to insist on equal opportunity here.”
“Equal opportunity?” A frown creased her brow.
“Yes. The only way I’m using this,” he held up the dildo, “is if you sit on my face while you suck me, Jenna. I want to eat that luscious little pussy of yours.”
She whimpered softly before nodding.
Grinning at her, he swatted her on the rump. “So what are you waiting for sweetheart? Get rid of those clothes. I’m hungry.”
* * * * *
Relaxing on his back, Noah watched as a naked Jenna knelt between his legs to fasten the cock ring around the base of his shaft. The woman simply amazed him. She hung out the Do Not Disturb sign, opened the toys, and gently washed the dildo before returning to stand next to the bed. Shedding her clothing, she picked up the ring with a wicked grin. He swallowed. His desire to taste her was barely being held at bay.
When she finally had the ring positioned in place, she looked up at him as if she wasn’t certain how to proceed. If she said anything about her weight, he was gonna warm her ass for sure. He loved every luscious inch of her body.
“Come up here, Jenna. I can’t eat your pussy if it’s all the way down there.” She moved to lie beside him. He tsked under his breath before lifting her up into a sitting position. “What exactly are you doing, sweetheart? Haven’t you ever sixty-nined before?”
Tugging on a loose strand of hair, her lips tightened before looking away from him. “I’m sorry…”
He gathered her closer to him. “Don’t apologize, Jenna. I want you to ride me just like last night except this time you’re going to be straddling my face. Just make sure your head stays pointed south—that way we’ll both get what we want. I’ve been looking forward to tasting your delicious little pussy.”
Her eyes widened. “You have?”
“Oh yeah. Now get up here and sit on my face.” Leaning back against the pillows, he helped her when she hesitantly swung her leg over his face. Tugging on her hips, he positioned her for his best advantage. He loved the idea that she was tall enough as she bent over to reach his eager cock without any problem. He’d never had that happen before. “Okay? … Comfortable, sweetheart?”
He could almost feel the movement of her head. If he hadn’t had a face full of fragrant smelling pussy he would’ve teased her about her lack of verbal response. “Lean way forward, Jenna.” His voice came out in a croak as he felt the warm weight of her body against his. Damn if she didn’t feel better than a down comforter. “God you feel so good, baby.”
“Not too heavy…I was told I was too heavy to do it this way…”
He lightly smacked her hip. “You’re absolutely perfect for me, Jenna. For a man like your ex, you’re more woman than he knows what to do with. Lucky for you, I know exactly what I’m going to do. I’m going to eat this little pussy until you coat my face with your juices.” Lifting his head, he thrust his tongue between the barely parted lips of her sex. A sharp gasp had him grinning as he located her small nub. It wasn’t completely hidden, but he knew before he was done it would be hard and throbbing against his tongue and lips, while she exploded with her pleasure.
A moment later, it was his turn to arch towards her when her mouth slipped over the head of his cock while her slender fingers wrapped around the rest of his shaft. As she alternated between rubbing her tongue over his sensitive glans and tugging on his ring with her teeth, he lashed and sucked on lips of her pussy, loving the feel of the lightly furred sex in his mouth. Delving inside of her, he sampled the taste of her juices against his tongue. Why that ass had told her she tasted bad, he’d never know. She tasted faintly bitter but it was overcome by a slight tanginess he loved. If he had to assign a flavor to her, it would have to be dark chocolate and he loved it.
When she swooped down to take more of him inside of her sweet mouth, he moved back to her small clit. The contrast of having such as small bud on such a lush woman drove hi
m insane. As he rubbed his tongue over it, he reached for the dildo he’d placed next to him. Shoving two fingers inside of her cunt, he tested her to see how wet she was. After sucking on her a few more minutes and enduring the slurping suction of the hottest mouth he’d ever felt on his cock, he slowly introduced the fake cock to her tight sheath.
Her muffled moans around him as she slowly accepted the huge silicone dildo had him breathing harshly. She felt wonderful, and if it hadn’t been for the ring around his cock’s base, he probably would’ve exploded in her mouth already. Damn if she wasn’t addictive. “Fuck, I wish you could see how sexy this is, Jenna. Take it baby.”
Her groan of acceptance along with the contracting pulsing of her pussy against the slowly invading dildo told him she was enjoying this as much as he was. Keeping the pressure steady, he finally buried the last inch of it inside of her, loving the way it stretched her pussy lips. It looked so fucking hot.
Tilting her hips in his hands, he attacked her clit with firm strokes. He wanted her to feel every bit of ecstasy that he could offer her. Within moments, she was bucking against his mouth and hand as he slowly thrust the dildo in and out of her. When her teeth nibbled as his head and his balls protested the tight confinement, he latched on to her clit determined to torment her the same way she was tormenting him. He succeeded because he popped free of her mouth as she cried out.
“Oh God, Noah…I’m going to…”
His lips immediately released her clit. “Not without me you’re not. Release it, Jenna.” His own voice strained with his need to come. “Release it or I’ll tease you until you do!”
She swooped back down to suck hard on his length in response. He bucked against her mouth when the tips of her fingers teased his asshole. “Son of bitch…please baby…let me come!”
She lifted her head once more. “Together?” Her raspy voice told its own story.
“Oh yeah!” His instant agreement had her releasing the ring with a fast tug on the quick release mechanism. As soon as he felt the pressure ease, he buried his face against her pussy. Sucking on her hard clit, he milked it between his lips, loving the feel of her warm juices dripping over his face while he plowed the fake cock in and out of her shuddering cunt.